Frequently Asked Questions
How long will it take for my order to be done?
We are usually two weeks out on all screen printing jobs.
All embroidery jobs are about 2 weeks out!
This timeline begins after we receive approval on the order details and payment for the order.
What is your return or exchange policy?
We strive to ensure that every order meets your expectations. If there is an issue with your order, such as a defect or incorrect printing, please contact us within 7 days of receiving your items. We will be happy to assist you with a return or exchange.
To be eligible for a return or exchange, the items must be unused, unwashed, and in the same condition as when you received them. Please note that custom-made products (such as orders with personalized designs) are not eligible for return unless there is an error on our part.
If there is an issue with your order, please provide us with a photo of the product and a description of the issue. Once we verify the problem, we'll work with you to either exchange the item or issue a refund.
If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to reach out to our customer service team. We're here to help!
What is your spoilage rate?
We have a less than 1% spoilage rate on our products. This goes to show our attention to detail and our efforts to minimize our waste and carbon footprint.
Do I need to provide my own artwork?
You do not need to provide your own artwork! We have artists on staff that can come up with designs for your project for a small design fee of $50. (There may be additional fees based on the complexity of your design).
If you have your own artwork that is accepted as well. We prefer files in the following formats .ai, .pdf, and transparent .png. Reach out if you have any questions!
Can I supply my own product?
Yes. We do accept jobs with provided products; however, there are a few things to keep in mind!
If something were to happen in the production process that compromised your product we cannot replace customer supplied products. We are not liable for any compromised items occurring from an inhouse error if the customer supplies their own products
How should I pay?
We accept checks, cash, and cards! You can pay in-store or online via payment portal sent directly to your email address!
How do I get pricing?
The best way to inquire about pricing is to fill out the Inquiry Form on our website! You can also call us at our business number (402) 764-1512. Instant Quote set up coming soon!!
What are your payment policies?
All orders are pre-pay unless otherwise initiated by the seller. School Districts fall under our Net15 policy which allows payment to be made 15 days after order confirmation. This should fall directly into the pickup timeline allowing for payment to be made prior to picking up your order. All other payment policies are within the sellers discretion to set up with said client.
We are usually two weeks out on all screen printing jobs.
All embroidery jobs are about 2 weeks out!
This timeline begins after we receive approval on the order details and payment for the order.
What is your return or exchange policy?
We strive to ensure that every order meets your expectations. If there is an issue with your order, such as a defect or incorrect printing, please contact us within 7 days of receiving your items. We will be happy to assist you with a return or exchange.
To be eligible for a return or exchange, the items must be unused, unwashed, and in the same condition as when you received them. Please note that custom-made products (such as orders with personalized designs) are not eligible for return unless there is an error on our part.
If there is an issue with your order, please provide us with a photo of the product and a description of the issue. Once we verify the problem, we'll work with you to either exchange the item or issue a refund.
If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to reach out to our customer service team. We're here to help!
What is your spoilage rate?
We have a less than 1% spoilage rate on our products. This goes to show our attention to detail and our efforts to minimize our waste and carbon footprint.
Do I need to provide my own artwork?
You do not need to provide your own artwork! We have artists on staff that can come up with designs for your project for a small design fee of $50. (There may be additional fees based on the complexity of your design).
If you have your own artwork that is accepted as well. We prefer files in the following formats .ai, .pdf, and transparent .png. Reach out if you have any questions!
Can I supply my own product?
Yes. We do accept jobs with provided products; however, there are a few things to keep in mind!
If something were to happen in the production process that compromised your product we cannot replace customer supplied products. We are not liable for any compromised items occurring from an inhouse error if the customer supplies their own products
How should I pay?
We accept checks, cash, and cards! You can pay in-store or online via payment portal sent directly to your email address!
How do I get pricing?
The best way to inquire about pricing is to fill out the Inquiry Form on our website! You can also call us at our business number (402) 764-1512. Instant Quote set up coming soon!!
What are your payment policies?
All orders are pre-pay unless otherwise initiated by the seller. School Districts fall under our Net15 policy which allows payment to be made 15 days after order confirmation. This should fall directly into the pickup timeline allowing for payment to be made prior to picking up your order. All other payment policies are within the sellers discretion to set up with said client.